Many of you remember the days of the so-called “Blue Laws,” which stated that businesses could not be open on Sunday. Now, of course, most businesses are open on that day, and we have filled Sundays with many other activities. Youth sports are played on Sundays, which should not surprise us; after all, their heroes in the professional ranks fill stadiums on Sunday. Many stores make more money on Saturday and Sunday than the other five days of the week.
For other people, Sunday has become the lazy day of the week. They sleep in, leisurely read the weekend edition of the newspaper, have a late breakfast, and take in the slowness of the day. After all, they have worked hard all week, and they owe it to themselves to have one leisurely day.
To the faithful Christian, though, Sunday is far more. It is not sinful to go out to eat on Sunday, or to make a run to the grocery store. IT is not wrong to play a game or to watch a sporting event. It isn’t sinful to read the paper or even to rest.
But, when those things supersede the major emphasis of the day, we have a problem. Many Christians will worship only when there isn’t something else going on. If a ball game, play, concert, or shopping trip is scheduled, worship goes out the door.
I am truly impressed and thankful for those faithful families who haev children show up for worship in their ball uniform (sometimes stained from a good slide into second base), because worship is more important than the 9th inning, fourth quarter, or stoppage time! You parents are to be commended. You are teaching balance and priorities to your child. Thank you!
- On Sunday, the Lord was risen.
- On Sunday, the church began.
- On Sunday, the early church met to eat the Lord’s Supper.
If these three things are not more important to us than a ballgame or a few extra minutes of sleep, we have a serious problem.
Make sure Sunday is special, but make sure it is is special for all the right reasons.
Adam Faughn lives in Hermitage, TN and preaches for the Lebanon Road Church of Christ