Nick & Chrisolua Tsagarakis, A. Papanastassiou 38, Iraklio, 71306, Crete, Greece
Items of prayer
- We praise the Lord because even though we are under financial crisis God provides for our needs.
- We praise God for the alive hope and eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
- We praise the Lord because through prayer we can communicate with him and say our problems to him.
Items for Prayer
- Through financial crisis Greek people approach, confess and believe in Jesus Christ, the only God.
- God help Greek people and other nations to get out from the financial crisis.
- We pray God protect the souls who commit suicide in Greece and specific in the island of Crete because of the financial crisis.
- We pray God send out laborers for His harvest.
Michiya & Tomoko Nakahara, 9-25 Toyohara-Cho, Shizuoka, Japan 422-8071
Items of Praise
- We celebrated our 50th anniversary this year. God appointed Shichiro and Teruko to Shizuoka, Japan fifty years ago, and He continues to direct and guide us in this mission field. We are so thankful to God for His faithfulness in protecting this small light. Our church is located at the end of a very small alley, surrounded by residential houses and apartment buildings, with no visibility from the main road. It has been challenging to attract new seekers. We were also up against a Japanese law that prohibits us from rebuilding a new church building. But, our God is good. He orchestrated and performed miracle after miracle, and we were able to purchase a small land that we then turned into a parking space for our members and visitors. This opened up an amazing visibility from the main road that we never had before. God touched so many of you, and your prayers and financial help made this possible.
- Our youth are growing in numbers. Not a large number, but the ones that are coming to our church are very committed to studying the Word and seeking to follow Christ in their daily life.
- Our adults are being encouraged by this new revival among our youth.
- We are thankful for the good health: Tomoko, who works full time as a kindergarten teacher juggles her work, house, and the ministry; Kazuma, our oldest son is working hard for the college entrance exam next spring, and Lynn also is facing his high school entrance exam in another five months. Both of our sons have goals to become teachers, but they are praying to be pastors and would love to have teaching positions to support them financially.
Items For Prayer
- Pray for our youth, for their faith to continue to grow, and that I, as their pastor, can continue to lead and guide them.
- Pray for the unsaved family members of our congregation. An unsaved husband of one of the members has just started to come to church (PTL!).
- Please pray for our two sons, Kazuma and Lynn as they desire to be in ministry some day that the Lord will continue to direct and guide them.
- We have a huge responsibility to pay back our members who so graciously signed interest-free loans to the church. However, with a huge typhoon hitting Shizuoka last month and ripped our roof and sidings, the repair cost is significant. We need new roof and all new sidings. Please pray with us that we will not fear, and continue to trust our God who so faithfully supply all our needs.