
Oh, I thank Thee for Thy blood,

For that crimson, cleansing flood

Shed for me, thou Son of God.

Oh, I thank Thee for thy love

Which met my need and from above

Bestowed Thy Spirit, heavenly Dove!

Oh, I thank Thee for Thy power

Which helps me through each trying hour­ –

My fortress strong and my high tower!

Oh, I thank ‘Thee for Thy grace;

I, even I, shall have a place

Before Thy throne and see Thy face!

0 blessed Lamb, who took my shame

And all my punishment and blame,

How I praise Thy precious Name!

-Martha Snell Nicholson

“Who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.”­ Psalm 103:4b

The Cross! The Cross!


‘The cross! the cross! the blood-stained cross!

The cross of Christ I see.

It tells me of that precious blood

That once was shed for me.


The wrath! the wrath! the awful wrath

That Jesus felt for me!

When bearing my sin’s heavy load

He died on Calvary.

But Jesus lives! the Savior lives!

In heaven He pleads for me;

And boldly I approach to God,

His blood my only plea.


He comes! He comes! the Savior comes!

Who bled and died for me;

Then will I sing, with rapture sing,

When gazing, Lord, on Thee.

John H. Stockton, 1813-1877