Here’s how a real asset began in
one congregation several years ago.
Are you looking for a way to be involved in a ministry in your congregation? Here is your chance to do something for the Lord and your church. You don’t need any special talents or a lot of time. You won’t be required to teach or prepare a lesson. You need not attend special meetings. All you need to be able to do is pray–and we can all do that.
What is a prayer chain?
A prayer chain is a specific type of prayer ministry. It consists of a group of people willing to take time to pray when the chain is “activated.”
How does it work?
Members are organized into a prearranged order. When someone calls a. member of the chain with a prayer need, that member prays and then calls the next member on the list. The second member then prays and notifies the next member. This continues until the entire chai has been activated. Each member prays continually until the need has been met. It is also possible that members of the chain will pray together on the phone regarding the need as the calls are made.
How much time will it require?
Committing to a prayer chain requires very little time. It requires an initial meeting to get organized. It requires you to make at least one and possibly a few phone calls to other chain members. It also requires you to pray as you continue with your normal activities. It does not require going to meetings, you merely pray for the need when called and then as the day progresses: at meals with your family, in your daily devotional time, as you are driving in your car, etc.
What is the purpose?
The purpose of a prayer chain is to give each member of the congregation an immediate access to the prayers and support of the members of the chain. For example, when I was in the hospital having Ellen, I had a lot of fear. I wanted prayer and I wanted as much of it as I could get. I called a good friend of mine in Berea and asked her to pray. She called her prayer chain that has about 20 members. I immediately had 20 people praying for me and Ellen. I could feel the support and it was a great comfort to me to know those people were praying. When the baby was safely delivered I called my friend again and she notified the chain. We now had 20 people giving praise to the Lord for His answers.
Why should we have a prayer chain?
Although a prayer chain of this form is not specifically mentioned in scripture, I believe it provides a way to fulfill Christian duties that are mentioned. We are to “… pray for one another,” James 5:16; “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ,” Galations 6:2; “pray without ceasing,” I Thes. 5:17. These are only a few of the many verses with similar instructions. A prayer chain offers one opportunity to carry out these commands.
How can you get involved in a prayer chain ministry?
I would like to get a prayer chain started for our Portland congregation. Please pray even now about the Lord’s will regarding this type of ministry and about any role you might play in it. I will be checking back with you to see if you would like to be involved. Of course, if you know you are interested you can let me know right away. (Note: Becky included a form for each one to fill out if they desired to be a part of this ministry).
[This article was originally typed up in brochure form by Becky, and distributed to the ladies at Portland Church. In a few weeks the chain began, and it has been a great blessing ever since, Sometimes weeks go by without a call; other weeks the chain may be activated three or four times. But knowing the chain is in place is in itself a source of comfort. Of course men as well as women can join such chains. But obviously the members should not, as a general rule, be called while at work in an office, etc. You could easily form a prayer-chain in your church, even with only a few. -The Editor]