Please help the Word and Work by filling out this short questionnaire about the Word and Work online.

Many of the questions are merely multiple-choice: you may just indicate your answer. But if you wish you may also write more. We’ll be delighted if you do so.

We’ll be very glad to get your responses. They will help us plan the Word and Work’s future. Hopefully improving it.

All fields are optional.

Did you read the Word and Work when it was a printed-and-mailed-out magazine?


How regularly do you read it now?

Every Issue
Maybe every other issue
I used to read it regularly but stopped because:

How much of it do you usually read?

About Half
Only 1 or 2 items

In what ways has it helped you?

How do you think it can be improved?

Do you prefer long articles or short ones?


Please select the article topics/subjects you are most interested in:

Knowing God better
In-depth studies of Bible passages
Doctrinal studies and applications
Aspects of Christian life and service
Church leadership
Analysis of current affairs and issues
Prophecy – interpretations and practical applications
Missionary needs, strategies, etc…
Letters from missionaries on the field

Are there any other topics you would like to see in the Word and Work?

Would you be interested in writing for the Word and Work?


Can you suggest other writers you’d like to write for the Word and Work?

Do you think it’s time to bring the Word and Work to an end?


Any other comments or suggestions?

Your Name: (optional)

May the Lord bless you, and us too, that we will please and glorify Him. He is Worthy!
-Alex Wilson, editor

(Other official or unofficial Team-members are Dennis Allen, Bennie Hill, Larry Miles, Matt Wilson, Sandra Naugle. Countless others have also prayed, and/or helped in various other ways. We are grateful to every one of them, and give our Lord glory for adding them to the team. Maybe others would like to help too.)