What a fanatastic way to start off the camp year! Senior Week attendance was up dramatically. Over 60 campers PLUS staff were on hand. Their theme was “Simplify”. As members of the Restoration Movement, I think we can all appreciate that thought. We were fortunate to have 3 new co-directors for the week. Many thanks to Jon Kesel, minister at Ebenezer Church of Christ and Tim Parrot and Justin Adams for their hard work. Thanks also, to Sonny Childs for heading up the teaching ministry. 

Junior Week has just ended. What a blessing the 81 campers and staff enjoyed. Their theme was the “Voyage of the Christian Life”. Jerry Carmichael and Jeff Adams were again the co-directors. By the way, if you haven’t already had Jeff to speak at your church on the work at Woodland, please contact him right away! He uses a multimedia presentation to give an update on the work at WBC and the opportunities it affords for growth for campers of all ages. His email is jeffreywadams@peoplepc.com. You can also get additional camp information at http://woodlandbiblecamp.org 

Already, several youth have accepted Christ as their personal savior at camp or after they returned to their home churches! May God receive the glory and praise! Please pray that many more will acknowledge the love of the Savior and name Christ as their Lord. 

While two weeks are already over, the camp season at Woodland has just begun. Intermediate Week will be July 11 -17th. Eddie Olberding, Will Nethery, and David Pound are the directors. Youth going into the 6th, 7th or 8th grade will surely enjoy themselves cooling off in the waterslide! 

July 17th is Beginners Day Camp. Aimed at children aged 4 – 8, it gives “future campers” a chance to get acquainted with the camp experience while not staying overnight. Many thanks to Erin Borders and Valerie Hall for heading this up. 

July 18-26th marks the return of Music Week! Jon Adams and Joan Marsh are co-directors in more than one way for this week plus of camping. On Sunday, they will have 2 performances at churches and Monday night will perform at the Kentucky-Indiana Fellowship Week prior to that evening’s services at Sellersburg Church of Christ. The week is aimed at high school and college youth. 

Senior Citizen’s Week is Sept. 13 – 17th (Monday – Friday). J.R. and Pie Satterfield and Dick and Janell Lewis are once again directing this very popular week. Make plans to spend the week or at least a few days getting reacquainted with “old” friends and make new ones! Speaking of Dick and Janell, they once again are camping nearly all summer at Woodland and have done a terrific job of getting the camp ready for the campers! 

The annual Homecoming and meeting are Sept. 18th. Then, to wrap-up the camp season, there will be a Fall Retreat the first weekend of October. This always proved to be very popular with our youth in past years and the board believed it was past time to bring it back. Larry Bryant and Jeff Adams are co-directing. The weekend is aimed at high school through the first year of college. A few 8th graders will also be allowed to attend, though the material will be aimed more for the “older” campers. 

Thanks be to God for allowing Woodland to be an integral part of our youth and our mission for the past 56 years. Pray that He will continue to bless the work and continue to raise up workers. The fields are indeed ready for the harvest.