NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER was Thursday (5/6/2010) and the theme was “Prayer…For Such a Time as This.” Thousands of prayer gatherings took place around the country. Continue to pray for America’s national and local leaders, communities, schools, and families. God does hear prayer, and He is faithful.

ON THE WEST STEPS of the US Capitol this past week, the entire Bible was being read aloud, non-stop, from ‘In the beginning’ to the last ‘Amen’ of the book of Revelation. The 21st annual US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon started Sunday evening after hymns from a local choir. It continued day and night until midday on Thursday, the National Day of Prayer. You probably didn’t see this in local newspapers.

The Portland Christian High School Alumni Association held its annual Alumni Banquet April 24, 2010, in the school’s gymnasium with over 200 in attendance.  The delicious meal prepared by the Pound girls included Crunchy Baked Chicken and Roast Beef with carrots and all the trimmings. The evening honored the 17 students of the class of 2010.  Entertainment was provided by the male quartet “Water’s Edge” and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  Will Nethery emceed the evening as the following were recognized: 

            Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Earl C. Mullins, Class of 1971
  • Phyllis J. Mullins, Class of 1971
  • Sara J. Browning, Class of 1950

             Honorary Alumni Recognition

  • Frank and Lida Schuler
  • Marilyn Schneble 

            The highlight of the evening was the announcement by Danny Taylor that over one million dollars has already been pledged over the next five years for the Capital Campaign.   He also asked for the alumni’s cooperation in reaching out one-on-one to enough other alumni and supporters to raise an additional one million.

Cherry Street Church of Christ, New Albany, IN: We are  please  to  announce that the  congregation will host the Rochester (MI) College  Acapella Chorus on Thursday May 6, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.  The  chorus is  led by Joe Bentley.  Click on rochester announcement for a  flyer with more  infomation.

LeCompte Church of Christ (Louisiana) Dillard Fontenot announces a spring revival at the church with evangelist Julius Hovan May 9-12, 2010.  

Fifth Sunday Song Rally Schedule —  May 30, 2010 

  • LaGrange Church of Christ – 6:00 p.m.
  • Parksville Church of Christ – 6:30 p.m.

Fisherville Church of Christ Taylorsville Road Fisherville, KY – Tim Morrow, Minister. Our Revival Meeting  will be  June  13-16, 2010 with  Bro. Julius Hovan, of the  Bohon Church of Christ as  our speaker. Sunday Morning @ 11:00 a.m.; Evening services at 7:00 p.m.

Kentucky/Indiana Christian Fellowship is being planned for July 26-29, 2010.  This year’s theme is: “The Grace of God” Start making plans to attend this year’s fellowship with day sessions at the Portland Ave. Church of Christ, Louisville, Kentucky and night sessions at the Sellersburg Church of Christ, Sellersburg, Indiana.

NEW FEATURE has been suggested for the News & Notes i.e. a page from the current Prayer / Praise Booklet made available through the Church of Christ Worldwide. (2009 Issue)  This month will include SPECIAL REPORT FROM RETIRED MISSIONARIES

 Mae Broaddus 

% Maple Manor Christian Home

643 W. Utica St.

Sellersburg, IN 47172  

            Early this year (2009)  Sis. Mae Broaddus moved from her daughter Vicki’s home in Washington State to the Maple Manor Christian Home in Sellersburg, Indiana.  Here she is visited often by family and friends in the area.  Her sister-in-law lives in Sellersburg and visits weekly.  Her two sons Richard and Jimmy both live close by in Kentucky and also make frequent visits.  Mae was able to attend one of her grandchildren’s wedding close to Washington D.C. in the early fall. 

            Mae also keeps in touch with her Cramer Church family in Lexington, Kentucky and was able to visit for a Sunday service and enjoy dinner at a Chinese restaurant after the service earlier this year.  She enjoys the fellowship of other Christians at Maple Manor and continues to thank God for her good health.

             She would appreciate a card from any of her friends sent to the Maple Manor Christian Home.  She also is thankful for the visits and prayers. 

Sis. Ruth Hartle

10 Welverdiend Flats, Rouwkoop Rd.

Rondebosch 7700

Capetown,  R.S.A.

 Items of Praise

  1. Kindness of Christians whose regular giving continues to encourage our hearts.
  2. Gifts that allow me to care for my 77 year old sister Margaret who lives in an old age home.  She is mentally fine but confined to a wheel chair.  I am able to visit her every two weeks. 

Items for Prayer 

  1. Health of Raymond and Jean, my brother and sister-in-law.
  2. New Christians that they remain faithful.
  3. Country of South Africa as it is going through major transition – families that lack food, clothing, and shelter.
  4.  Souls to be added to the kingdom.

May God bless each of you abundantly as you serve the Lord through Church of Christ Worldwide.   

 Sophia Galanis

Amarillidos 27

15341  Athens, Greece   —  (Info. submitted by:    Emie (Galanis) Paschos)             

            By the grace of God this year is almost reaching its end. My mother is 80 years old this year. Looking back at this year we can say with certainty that God has been gracious to us. Up until March my mother Sophia was staying at a very luxurious nursing home but when an opening came up in the Christian nursing home we moved her there. Now she can hear lots of sermons and be part of a prayer group every week.

             No matter though how nice the surroundings of her life are, the reality of her life is hard. Her disease, she has Parkinson’s, is at the final stage, and she is unable to do most things. She can hardly see any more or walk. There are some days that she can take few small steps and some that she is totally bedridden. I visit her every other day, and it is hard to see her suffer so much. 

            The hardest part is that we have no idea how long she is going to be in this final stage and how much worse this situation is going to get. We know that God is sovereign in the midst of all this. We are praying for His guidance in what to do with her medical needs, and for Him to give us the wisdom on what to do.  If there is a new medical advancement that would be suitable for her and would make her life a little easier and more pleasant, we pray that God will show us.

             We can give praise to God because He has given us a wonderful granddaughter that takes up a lot of our time and energy and we are about to have a new grandchild in April. Also my second daughter is in her second year of music studies and doing fine.

            Thank you for your continuous support and faithfulness towards my mother. It is good for her to know that even though she is in this situation she is thought of by people on the other side of the world who care and pray for her needs.