Many of you readers realize that since putting Word & Work on the web, we have reprinted some articles from the original print-and-mail version of the magazine. (That version ran from 1908 through mid-2008. I didn’t start it!) We now wish to explain our reasons for making that change from mail-out to online…and then some other matters too.

We closed down the print-and-mail version because it became too much of a burden for our office worker and her helpers. All those unpaid volunteers were in their late 80s! And no replacements were in sight. And the editor himself is neither a spring chicken, nor a computer whiz.

Yet various readers expressed a desire for W&W to continue—as we too hoped could happen. And we realized that going online would have some advantages. 1) We could offer it to readers free of charge. 2) It could possibly reach out to many more readers worldwide, despite losing many older readers who aren’t into computers. (We miss them.) 3) Hopefully it would reach more readers from the middle generations and other folks younger than we reached before.

So in late 2008 we began online. In answer to prayers, the Lord raised up some helpers with technical skills and spiritual interest–especially Larry Miles and Matt Wilson (my grandson). We thank God for them.

Now – regarding writers and content. We are delighted that folks like Leroy Garrett, Edward Fudge, Sonny Childs, and Rubel Shelly let us run articles from their regular mailouts. Also that Dennis Allen, Fred Schott, Joyce Broyles, Billy Lewter, Bob Yarbrough and some others send us articles on a regular or semi-regular basis. And Bennie Hill keeps gathering News & Notes for us. We appreciate these contributions, and hope many more folks will take advantage of them. Also maybe some of you who read will be stirred to write as well. If you think the Lord has laid something on your heart, send it to us at . I may not get to it right away, and can’t guarantee we’ll use everything sent in…but who knows, we might!

Returning to this month’s “theme-articles,” they are re-runs (though updated in a few places) from the Feb. 1989 Word and Work!! That’s because we believe they are still true and still needed. Also, many of you readers didn’t subscribe back then, so to you they are new. But we think even old-timers will find them still valuable, if only to pass on to your children, grandchildren and friends.

Next month we want to get some feedback from you readers about various W&W matters. Nobody must answer, but anybody may. We’ll ask for your suggestions, likes and dislikes, gripes and bouquets. Let’s all pray for each other.