King Messiah! Prince of Peace! Mighty Savior! Glorious God!
Long Thy coming’s been delayed, Though the price of sin is paid.
Thy feet the Earth, the grave, the heavenlies have trod in Victory for me!
How long until we see Thee Face to face,
Thou conquering Captain of Thy Father’s ransomed, re-born race?
How long before Thy righteous rule shall bow the earth’s dark powers;
The lamb and lion gently play, and every once-cruel beast
of prey drink in with thirst the
Showers of Thy peace, the lifted curse?
Thou Right Arm of the Lord! Thou Servant of Jehovah!
Thy precious blood has bought us.
Thy Holy Spirit, all the days of this our pilgrimage, has taught us.
Rend the veiled day, when in Thy presence we shall say,
“Our Jesus all the way to Glory now has brought us!”