We have recently been browsing through some ancient copies of Word and Work. One of them emphasized a matter that is very important.
In Stanford Chambers’ very first editorial he wrote,
“Upon assuming the duties of Word and Work, I feel the great need of getting better acquainted with our readers.
“I want to feel that I know you personally. The only way I know how to do it is for you to Write Me A Letter telling me your notion of What A Religious Paper Should Be and Not Be, What it Should Do and Not Do, in What Points W&W could be Improved, what Lines of Teaching need greater Emphasizing, in fact write me on any phase of our Lord’s holy cause. I have been preaching to you, now you may preach to me if you will.
“I am going to look for your letter and be disappointed if I do not get it.”
AVW now: To Brother Chambers’ sentiments I say “Ditto!” Just update his “write me a letter” to say “Send Us An Email with suggestions” – and then do it. We can’t promise to give individual replies, but we shall take note of your suggestions, pray about them, discuss some of them in future issues, and act on whichever proposals seem wise and appropriate.