“We cannot blame the brotherhood for opposing strife in papers. To correct, in the spirit of gentleness, the errors into which men fall, is undoubtedly the duty of both the press and the pulpit; but to wrangle is both unwise and unscriptural. ‘The Lord’s servant must not strive.’”
Where? In Christian Word and Work, a magazine published in New Orleans, Louisiana. But it was quoting from another magazine, Word of Truth. We know nothing about that latter journal.
When? In August, 1913 . . . ninety-six years ago. That was before all of the following: the Great Depression; Jack Dempsey’s reign as knockout king and Babe Ruth’s reign as homerun king; and even before World War I.
What and Who? The Christian Word and Work had been started by D. L. Watson in March, 1908. He was owner and editor through July 1913, when he resigned due to his strenuous practice as a medical doctor. For a while he still assisted to some extent in putting it out. But Stanford Chambers became the 2nd owner and editor.
Chambers had contributed assistance, co-leadership, and articles to it from its very first issue. He shortened the title to Word and Work, as it has been known ever since.
Back to the opening quotation: It shows that in some ways times haven’t changed very much. We still need to understand the difference between correction and open-minded discussion of differing views on the one hand, and wrangling and strife on the other. May our Father in heaven help us to be good teachers, role-models and correctors, but to avoid angry arguing and closed-minded debating and hassling.