December, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We rejoice with you in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ! Tomoko, Kazuma, Lyn, and I are so grateful for your faithful support both financially and in prayer throughout the year of 2009.
Kazuma and I are still talking about the great time we had visiting you this summer. We have shared our photos, videos and stories with our congregation. Although, they know that you are always praying for our church, for them to hear directly from us, as we experienced it first hand, meant even more to the people of our church. They are so thankful for the love and support the church has received from you.
I want to share with you briefly about the property issue. If you remember from our visit this summer, the first obstacle in making future plans for our church was securing the house that is adjacent to the church building. It had been owned by an elderly gentleman, but due to his declining health, he had moved away, and some of his extended family was doing most of the decision making concerning the property. As I researched it, I came to a dead end as far as the person whom I needed to contact to even bring up the subject of buying the property. But all along, the Lord had been working behind the scene. About a month ago, we discovered that the occupant had been admitted to a nursing home, meaning that the house/property will most likely be eligible for sale sometime in the near future. We have decided to commit this matter to God, and trust that He will open all the necessary doors in His divine time. Please pray with us about this matter.
As for our family, God has graciously blessed us with good health and supplied all of our needs. Kazuma has been preparing for his high school entrance exams ever since he returned from the States. As many of you know, it is extremely difficult to get into a reputable high school in Japan. It is not determined by districts, only by merit. Therefore, the last year of junior high school is spent taking numerous exams and prep courses, and we need to constantly be in meetings with the academic advisor to be sure that the school of his choice is appropriate. This is an important issue in Kazuma’s life, and he has been working very hard to do well. Please remember him in your prayer. Tomoko continues to manage her time between kindergarten, home, and the church. Her willingness to serve the Lord and all of us so joyfully is such a blessing! Lyn is twelve now, and will start his junior high school in the spring. We are so blessed that he tries very hard to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
As I list all the blessings we received this year, our family is overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to the Lord for your love, prayers and support. May the Lord bless you richly and may you experience a wonderful Christmas season.
With Love,
Michiya, Tomoko, Kazuma and Lyn Nakahara
Nakahara Mission Fund
P. O. Box 54842
Lexington, KY 40555
IMPORTANT NOTE: After serving as treasurer for the Nakahara Mission for over 20 years, and with the approval of the Nakahara family and other trusted men of faith whose interest and support transcend more that fifty years, I will be relinquishing the Nakahara business function to Church of Christ Worldwide, P.O. Box 54842, Lexington, KY 40555, effective January 1, 2010. This office oversees the receiving and distribution of funds to designated missions around the world. It forwards funds received from many churches and individuals. They will do for the Nakaharas what I have been doing. I will continue to be involved with the Nakahara Mission in writing newsletters and serving as their contact person. The only real change for you or your church is that you will send your gifts for the Nakahara Mission directly to the new address above instead of to me. All interested contributors should begin now mailing their gifts to the new address. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Nakaharas through the years. I trust it will continue and abound during this transition and in the years to come.